
上海市同仁医院,又名上海交通大学医学院附属同仁医院、上海市同仁红十字医院,成立于1866年,是上海开埠以来最早的西医院之一。 医院是一所集医疗、保健、教学、科研、康复于一体的三级乙等综合性医院,地处上海西部虹桥地区,由仙霞路院区、哈密路院区和虹桥国际医学研究院三部分组成,占地面积80亩,建筑面积12万平方米,现有临床医技科室42个、研究机构7个,核定床位1200张,员工2000余人。年门急诊人次290余万,住院人次近6万,手术操作人次约4.7万。同仁医院是上海市首批区域性医疗中心,拥有上海市重...

      上海市同仁医院,又名上海交通大学医学院附属同仁医院、上海市同仁红十字医院,成立于1866年,是上海开埠以来最早的西医院之一。 医院是一所集医疗、保健、教学、科研、康复于一体的三级乙等综合性医院,地处上海西部虹桥地区,由仙霞路院区、哈密路院区和虹桥国际医学研究院三部分组成,占地面积80亩,建筑面积12万平方米,现有临床医技科室42个、研究机构7个,核定床位1200张,员工2000余人。年门急诊人次290余万,住院人次近6万,手术操作人次约4.7万。同仁医院是上海市首批区域性医疗中心,拥有上海市重点专科6个,服务范围面向长宁和周边六区150万人口,承担着大虹桥区域危、急、重症疾病救治和传染病防控的主体任务。 医院于1896年成为圣约翰书院医学院(上海交通大学医学院前身)的实习医院,上世纪初建立了中国最早的护士学校。医院目前是上海交通大学医学院研究生培养单位,有博士生导师13名、硕士生导师24名,建设了上海市住院医师规范化培训基地7个和国家级全科培训基地,承担了国内多家医学院校的教学任务。 医院的虹桥国际医学研究院,着力打造高水平的科研平台和转化医学研究中心。2019年,建成上海市胃肠肿瘤防治创新与转化重点实验室;2021年,挂牌上海交通大学医学院临床研究中心分中心,获批上海交通大学脊柱微创研究中心;2022年,挂牌长宁区医疗人工智能创新实验室。 医院蝉联两届全国文明单位。积极承担各项政府指令性任务,以优质资源回馈社会,凸显公立医院公益性。连续四届作为中国国际进口博览会定点医疗机构,多次在本市重大会议赛事中承担医疗保障任务。对云南、新疆、青海、江西、海南等地贫困区县的医疗机构实施对口帮扶。连续五次派遣医疗队前往摩洛哥开展医疗援助。 在新冠肺炎疫情防控中,同仁医院作为上海市发热门诊定点医院、虹桥国境口岸传染病防控定点医院,发现并成功治愈上海首例新冠患者。2021年9月,被市卫健委指定为入境隔离人员集中排查管理定点医院,面向四个中心城区提供服务,同仁防控经验向全市推广。    Shanghai Tongren Hospital Shanghai Tongren Hospital, also known as Tongren Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine and Shanghai Tongren Red Cross Hospital, was established in 1866 and is one of the earliest Western medicine hospitals since Shanghai has been opened for the foreign trade. Tongren Hospital is a general hospital ,it is located in the Hongqiao area of western Shanghai. It consists of three divisions: Xianxia Road Campus, Hami Road Teaching Center and Hongqiao International Medical Research Institute. The hospital covers an area of 80 mu. It has a construction area of 120,000 square meters, 42 clinical and medical technology departments and 7 research institutions, more than 2000 employees and 1200 sickbeds. The number of the emergency and outpatient patients was more than 2.90 million, the hospitalization was nearly 60,000, and the operation was nearly 47,000. The hospital is one of the first batch of regional medical centers in Shanghai. It has 6 key specialties of Shanghai. The service scope covers 1.5 million people of Changning District and the six  surrounding districts. It is responsible for the main task of rescue of critical, acute and severe diseases, also the prevention and control of the major infectious diseases. As early as 1896, the hospital had been the internship hospital of St. John's College of Medicine (predecessor of Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine). It established the earliest nurse school in China at the beginning of the last century. Now our hospital is officially the affiliated hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, with 13 doctoral supervisors and 24 master supervisors. It has 7 resident standardized training bases in Shanghai and national general training base. It has undertaken the teaching tasks of many medical colleges in China. The hospital has been awarded the national Civilized Unit for two consecutive years .The  Hongqiao International Medical Research Institute of the hospital, has strived to build a high-level research platform and translational medicine research center. In 2019, Shanghai Key Laboratory of Gastrointestinal Cancer Prevention and Treatment Innovation and Transformation was established. In 2021, it was listed as the Sub-center of clinical Research Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine and approved as the Spinal Minimally Invasive Research Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. In 2022, changning District Medical Artificial Intelligence Innovation Laboratory was listed. The hospital adhere to the public welfare of public hospitals. For four consecutive times, it was designated as medical institution of China International Import Expo, it has undertaken medical security tasks in major conferences and events of Shanghai. Medical institutions in poverty-stricken areas and counties in Yunnan, Xinjiang, Qinghai, Jiangxi and Hainan have been paired up. Five consecutive medical teams were sent to Morocco to provide medical assistance. Tongren Hospital strives to contain COVID-19. The first case of COVID-19 in Shanghai was identified and successfully cured in Tongren Hospital. Since September 2021, the hospital became a designated hospital for the centralized screening and management of quarantined persons. The prevention and control experience of Tongren Hospital was promoted in Shanghai.            
